
Showing posts from October, 2006

Have YOU seen Linthead? (AKA The Phantom)

If you had parents or grandparents who lived in Woodpyre Mill, or you ever lived there know the stories.   Everyone told them. Everyone heard them.  At least once. So far as I can tell, these stories started sometime in the late 1940's or early 1950s, and probably on a playground nearby the town.  (Woodpyre Mill had a school in its last decades, Central Elementary, graduating grades K-6, as well as a high school).   During recess, the big kids would tease the little ones, especially those in kindergarten, about the Phantom. If you're bad, if you misbehave, Linthead will leave a "gift"on your porch. An old ceramic doll, made circa 1920.   If your house get marked with a doll, well, lock your doors, because when you are sound asleep in you're bed tonight, in the dart, he's going to sneak into your house and take you. Where did this urban legend get started?   I often asked my mother and father this before they passed. They lived in Woodpyre in the